We've added an online store, so we can make ourselves more available to our friends all over the world. It doesn't have quite the same charm as the shop, but take a look around.
2 boards went out the front door with their new owners today. King Rat picked up his new 9'1 Log Rhythm (narrow template). And Daniel snagged a 9'2 Lumberjack that we had in the racks.
... but here are a few photos I snapped at Sano a couple months ago, and forgot about. I think it was actually at Tyler Warren's birthday. Both are of Nathan Adams on his 9'9 Signature Model.
Cyrus inspired me to re-shape my redwood alaia. It's going to be much more similar to the wake sliding alaia that I did in Idaho this summer. I'm really happy with the progress so far. Photos to come.
Just picked up the new issue of Slide Magazine. Really stoked on it. They've been operating in New Zealand thus far, and are now here in the US spreading good vibes and great photos.
There's a multi-page spread on Christian and Kameron's trip to Noosa in March.
If you get a chance, flip through the new issue, I think you'll like what you see, we have some copies around the shop.
Although I'm not quite ready to call it Fall outside, it's safe to say that Summer is over. Excited to see what the new season holds. Perhaps some offshore combo-swell days?
(Making Friends and Enjoying some little late summer combo on the kookumber)
I watched this Invisible Children movie last night. The trailer hardly does it justice, it was a super well-done film about internally displaced people in Northern Uganda.
Having been to Africa on two different occasions, I was particularly struck by the film.
In somewhat related news Fall is around the corner, so check out some of the new stuff the dudes over at Krochet Kids International have going on.
If you aren't familiar with the KKI guys' program... take a second to read about it. They're super legit guys with a great heart for the people of Uganda.
Definitely my favorite shaping photos Lightner has done.
This 4-board series we did with MWM will be on display starting tonight at Corduroy in Portland, Maine. More photos of the finished product coming soon.
Our good friends, Amanda and Jason, got married on Sunday. Amanda does all our website stuff, and has been around since Almond was a little seed of an idea.
We wish you the both the best, and hope you're enjoying Hawaii right now.