Monday, May 2, 2011

Offshore Tuesdays // Paipo Preview

Some days when it's small and blowing super hard off-shore, it's nearly-impossible to get into waves on a surfboard. With the Santa Ana winds in mind, as well as the coming close-out South swells in the summertime, Cameron and I decided to make ourselves a pair of paipos.

I hadn't ridden a body board since elementary school, but it seemed like a reasonable enough experiment; and a perfect option for windy offshore days with nobody out. We've dubbed days like this Offshore Tuesdays, regardless of which day of the week it actually is. Tuesdays seemed to embody the most exciting day for the surf to be perfect, because people are at work, and there's still nearly a whole work week ahead to enjoy offshore conditions.

Oden put together a little clip of the paipo creating and riding we did this weekend.

Not ready to make a full-time switch from logging to paipo-ing, but definitely a good option to keep handy. I still need to try this matting thing I keep seeing and hearing about.

Look for the paipo video tomorrow morning...

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